Sagar Bellary’s Bollywood comedy Bheja Fry 2 is a sequel to the 2007 film, Bheja Fry. The story goes that tax inspector Bharat Bhushan (Vinay Pathak) enters a game show to fulfill his dream of making his own music album. He wins the competition and gets gifts of free stay on a cruise ship. It is on this cruise that he meets Ajit Talwar (Kay Kay Menon), an acrid tongue sadistic business tycoon, who is taking sheath on the cruise to flee from the Income Tax department. Meanwhile, tax inspector M.T.Shekharan (Suresh Menon) watches him closely to find out his true identity. On learning Bhushan’s profession, Ajit Talwar tells his subordinates to watch out for him and get rid of him eventually.
The rest of the story on Bhushan’s rendezvous with media executive Ranjini (Minnisha Lamba) which leads to mistaken identity that makes Ajit Talwar and Bharat Bhushan landing up in an island. It is on the island that Ajit realizes what a pain Bharat Bhushan is. His stupidity drives Ajit up the wall.
Luckily, the film also has a character called Raghu Burman (Amol Gupte), an eccentric Bengali with a dancing moustache, who’s the sole inhabitant of the island. Raghu’s interests and socially challenged nature strikes a chord with Bharat and before you know it, they’re off to a duet.
Minissha Lamba is more prominent in news-space for other reasons than she is in the movie. Reduced to an executive-type role, she appears adorable but speaks her lines with clenched teeth, as if secretly frowning at her producer. There’s an attempt at a romantic inclination between Bumpkin Bhushan and Lady Lamba which ends up awkward and trivial.
The verdict of Bheja Fry 2 – The first half of the movie s watchable with some good moments which might make you laugh. The second half is hardly a make-or-break factor, yet it does get disastrously Tom-and-Jerry-ish towards the end. But what actually tilts this film in favour of ‘avoidable’ is the fact that Bharat’s stupidity seems forced and scripted. And although Kay Kay Menon puts up his magnificently mad face, his frustration and anger seem misplaced. Even Vinay Pathak delivers a mediocre performance, his timing is bang-on but it just doesn’t add up to evoke more than a faint smile. The repetitive foolish jokes don’t amuse anymore. Fortunately, this film’s ‘bheja’ is half-baked.